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What is meant by an investment manager?

Is a party whose business activities are to manage Securities Portfolios for their customers or manage collective investment portfolios for a group of customers, except for insurance companies, pension funds, and banks which carry out their own business activities based on the prevailing laws and regulations.

Mutual Fund is a forum used to raise funds from the investor community to be invested in the Securities Portfolio by the Investment Manager. In accordance with the Law on Capital Market, Mutual Funds can take the following forms:

  1. Closed or Public Company; and
  2. Collective investment contract.

In this case, the legal form of Mutual Funds is Collective Investment Contract.

  • Investments are managed by a professional team, namely a team of investment managers who are professional, experienced and supported by in-depth research.
  • The investment value is affordable, the initial capital to invest in Mutual Funds is quite low, through KISI Asset Management investments starting from IDR 100,000, you can have Mutual Fund investment instruments.
  • Diversified portfolios, with affordable investment value in Mutual Funds, investors have the opportunity to have a variety of assets managed by the Investment Manager in the Mutual Fund portfolio, this can minimize the risk of investing in the capital market.
  • Ease of transactions, starting from opening an account, purchasing the first Mutual Fund product, selling Mutual Fund products, and even switching Mutual Funds can be done very easily.

NAV is the fair market value of a Securities and other assets of a Mutual Fund minus all its liabilities. Mutual Fund NAV is calculated and announced every Exchange Day.

Money Market Funds, Protected Mutual Funds, Fixed Income Funds, Mixed Mutual Funds, Equity Mutual Funds