Investment Objectives
The KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF Index Mutual Fund aims to provide investment returns that are equivalent to the performance of the MSCI Indonesia Index using passive investment management methods.
Investment Policy
80% - 100%Money Market / Time Deposit
0% - 20%Product Features
Reference Index | MSCI Indonesia |
Number of Particiaption Units Offered | Up to 10,000,000,000 (Ten Billion) Participation Units |
Min. Participation Unit Purchase & Redemption | Primary: 1,000 Lot (1 Creation Unit), Secondary: 1 Lot |
Initial Public Offering Price | Rp. 1,000 (One Thousand Rupiah) |
Custodian Bank | PT Bank KEB Hana Indonesia |
Dealer Participant | PT Korea Investment & Sekuritas Indonesia |
Management Fee | Makx. 1% (one percent) |
Custodian Fee | Max. 0.18% (zero point eighteen percent) |
Subscription Fee | In accordance with the provisions of the broker / securities |
Redemption Fee | In accordance with the provisions of the broker / securities |
- By investing in KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF, customers diversify their stock investments.
- By investing in the KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF, customers get the same benefits as investing in selected stocks collectively.
Investment Return Sharing Policy
- Investment Return Sharing Policy
- Each investment result obtained by the KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF Index Fund from the invested fund (if any) will be recorded into the KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF Index Mutual Fund so that it will further increase the Net Asset Value of the KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF Mutual Fund.
- In accordance with the Investment Manager's policy without neglecting the achievement of long-term investment goals, the Investment Manager can share the Investment Return (if any) that has been recorded into the KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF Mutual Fund in cash.
Subscription / Redemption
- Melakukan pembukaan rekening dengan mengisi Formulir melalui Dealer Partisipan sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh Dealer Partisipan.
- Reksa Dana Indeks KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF hanya dapat dibeli melalui Dealer Partisipan di Bursa Efek Indonesia atau pihak lain melalui mekanisme perdagangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Bursa Efek Indonesia.
- Pemegang Unit Penyertaan dapat melakukan penjualan sebagian atau seluruh Unit Penyertaan yang dimilikinya setiap Hari Bursa melalui mekanisme perdagangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan Bursa Efek Indonesia.
- Penjualan Unit Penyertaan Reksa Dana Indeks KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF hanya dapat dilakukan melalui Dealer Partisipan atau melalui mekanisme perdagangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia
- Risk of Changing Economic and Political Conditions·
- Risk of Reduction of Participation Unit Value·
- Liquidity Risk·
- Securities Risk Underlying KISI MSCI Indonesia ETF Mutual Funds·
- Risk of Regulatory Change·
- Risk of Mutual Funds dissolution and liquidation·
- Risks Associated with MSCI Indonesia·
- Trading Risk
Additional Info
Asset Under Management
Fund Performance
Date | NAV/Unit |